Field Interns
Ganesh Rathod, Solapur, Maharashtra
"It was an engaging learning about the " Faunal diversity on Bombax ceiba in Shirala Block". It is the best project of PEF to conserve native species of Bombax ceiba and the other tree species. It was a great opportunity to work with PEF and this experience will help me in the future studies. Thank you once again PEF team for helping and understanding me throughout the internship.
Learnt about- Report writing, field methods, faunal survey. "
Nikhil Ghadigaonkar, Thane, Maharashtra
"My internship lasted for 2 months wherein I carried out Biodiversity Assessment of 2 Miyawaki Forest plot, which was my research topic. This project helped me to gain field experience and also immensely improved my understandings of ecology. Right from reviewing the literature, then fieldwork followed by report writing and finally presenting the completed project, each and every step taught me a ton. The experience I gained from this research will be hugely beneficial for me further in my career and I am glad Planet Earth Foundation gave me this opportunity for which I am very thankful to them."
Susmit Bole, Thane, Maharashtra
"My research topic was Biodiversity assessment of Miyawaki forests. This was a great learning experience wherein I got an opportunity to explore new ways of working. I learnt how field surveys are conducted followed by data collection. I also learned how to prepare a project plan, the importance of literature review and report writing. I am thankful to PEF for providing this opportunity which lasted for 2 months."